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Welcome to Temple Beth Emeth

Whether you are already a member, interested in joining, or  seeking information about our temple, you’ve come to the right place.

Join us for Shabbat services to experience the wonderful music and joyful spirit, or attend an event. Check out our religious school, or get involved with any of our active committees.

Temple Beth Emeth is a warm and welcoming community.

Service Schedule

Services at TBE

Family Shabbat
1st Friday each month 7 to 8 PM
All other Shabbat Services
Friday evenings 7:30 PM
Children welcome!

Events Calendar

Upcoming Events

We always have fun events going on. As a participant or volunteer, be part of it!
Stay up to date with our events calendar.

Yahrzeit Calendar


The Yahrzeit candle reminds us of the fragility of life and encourages us to embrace our life and the lives of our loved ones.


Temple Beth Emeth’s fearless and knowledgeable leadership.

Rabbi Helayne Shalhevet
Rabbi Helayne Shalhevet
“Well, if we were looking for a congregation to join, I just found one you won’t believe!”
– Returning home from interview
Cantor Lisa Ann Wharton
Cantor Lisa Ann Wharton
With music Cantor Wharton balances the old and new traditions, to inspire people to connect with each other and with God.
Rick Grossman, President
Rick Grossman, President
Service to our members is an honor that we do as a community. The ways we perform Tsadakah is what makes TBE, “The Little Temple That Can!”


Check out our most recent newsletter to keep up on the latest TBE news.


 Our board members help make the Temple Beth Emeth congregation strong.


Getting involved with a committee is a great way to join our community.


Learn more about membership, our barn, and our religious school.

Membership Kit

Interested in joining Temple Beth Emeth?
Download your application and membership kit right here!

The Barn

In addition to raising money for our temple, our barn sales help us to engage in Tikkun Olam, repairing the world.

Religious School

Striving for the ideal of educating students who will go on to improve themselves and the world in which they live.